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Saturday, July 27, 2013

We're Here!

Thursday, July 25, 6:30pm.  We have had a good start to the trip so far as   are due to arrive in Los Angeles in less than one hour.  The boys have done wonderfully on their first leg of the journey.  After arriving at the Atlanta airport, we did start off with one hiccup that gave us a little difficulty but thankfully the airport was able to resolve! No more stress needed here!  We were unable to print my boarding pass to begin with because the system showed me as carrying a lap child- which of course we do not have yet.  The system was showing that my pass could not be found even though my name was clearly on the fight itinerary and we had explained to our travel agency that our lap child only needed to be added for the return flights.  This was confusing for the computer system apparently so it took us an extra 30 minutes to get that resolved before we could go through security.  Andrew and i were sweating a little over this.  But now we are almost to LA where we will have about 3.5 hours until we leave for China!

 Saturday, July 27 China time (Friday, July 26 11:41am USA time). We have 4 hours until Guangzhou, then a flight to Nanchang which will put us arriving there at 9:25 am China time on Saturday.  It has been interesting as we have literally been chasing the sun, flying from night to night, and I love being able to follow the map on the tv screens on the  back of our seats that show where we are flying.  The flight has gone as well as any 15 hour flight could, we've all had minutes here and there of sleep, which should make for an interesting first day.  But the good thing is that we will have all day Saturday free so we can nap and try to  get settled into our new environment.   Joseph and David have done wonderfully.  Kailyn, it won't be long now:). We are praying that you won't be afraid of us and that you'll enjoy our family as much as we are going to love having you!

Saturday 2:30. We are now settling in to the hotel and are all pretty tired.  We've essentially been awake now for about 35 hrs!  How we are still functioning is beyond me.  The boys did however sleep a few hours on the plane.

Nanchang is a very large city and driving through and it is evident of the large population just driving through the crowded city streets.   It is very hot and humid here and many of the people carry umbrellas as they walk the streets  to provide shade.   I cant remember exactly how many millions of people live here but I will ask my guide again later.  This evening we will be going to Walmart (we actually passed two super centers on our to the hotel from the airport- though not stand alone by any means). We will have a 15 minute walk there to get bottled water, diapers, formula, and whatever else we want there this evening. We also passed quite a few KFC's of all things and so that is where we will eat this evening, mainly for the boys's sake.  Then tomorrow afternoon, some people from Kailyn's orphanage will bring her to us at the hotel!

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