I would like to start this post by saying that I hope and pray that this is the last post I will write without a face to go along with a name. We begin next week to receive our first referral for a child and we do ask for your prayers. I have loved the process of choosing a name for our beautiful daughter. I will say that we chose the name at first simply because we like it-but I have loved researching the meaning as well and I have loved what we found (if in fact our sources are reliable-but we'll just say that they are:)
According to Babynology.com both Kailyn and Mari are of Hebrew origin and means the following:
English : Kailyn "pure"
Hebrew: Kalin "devotion to God", Kayla "Who is like God?"
Hebrew: Marie "wished for child" (also "bitter or rebellion" which we'll just throw out:)
The verse that we chose "Every good and perfect gift is from above" James 1:17 on the picture above was chosen as a reflection of our feelings about Kailyn and the whole adoption process, as well as because it is a timeless truth that we hope Kailyn will find true in her own life. Everything that we have that is eternally valuable, and is truly and wholly good (not in a health, wealth, property kind of way), can only be from God. We pray that she will soon see that God is the giver of all things good.
It is truly amazing what God does in your heart when you follow the leading of His spirit. As I have begun to think more and more about the upcoming travel and stay in China and about one of the initial challenges of international adoption (language barrier!-which by the way has been fun trying to learn a few words and phrases-heaven help the people of China and Kailyn:), along with that has grown in my heart a compassion for the people of China. Now I have known for a long time that China-being the most populous country in the world (approximately 1.3 BILLION people, comprising 20% of the world's population) also has a majority of this massive population that have never heard of Jesus-the most wonderful name there is. And though the church is miraculously spreading in China (if you know much about this country's government you will understand why I say miraculously) to about 100,000 million believers in 2010, out of 1.3 billion there is still so much need for the light of the gospel to shine. I don't know what kind of sharing opportunities we may have while in China, -maybe none verbally (I plan to ask more about this), and we don't want to jeopardize the adoption-but I do know that in my heart is a desire that could only be placed by God to go there and allow His love and His light shine brightly through our lives to the people we will come in contact with there. And as in most of my posts-I leave you with my current favorite song of the moment, which I hope - speaking of names- will remind you of the the one who has the most wonderful name there is.
Acts 4:11-12 This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
Your Great Name by Natalie Grant
Love the name you have chosen.