Anyway, just days before this happened, we were told that now a social worker who is on the ground in China will be looking for our child because they can log them in faster. Which is fine and seems logical. However, Tuesday morning, we found out that we had not received a referral and not only that, we did not receive any feedback as to what kind of children were in the group, or any type of reason why we could not be matched. We were basically told we'd have to wait and see if we could be matched at the end of next month. We were not expecting to receive so little information about why a match could not be made. So anyway, I won't continue to record all of the details of conversations we had yesterday-but we were left feeling like the process was leaving us at the mercy of a detached advocate. One we have no access to and who has never met us (though we know who our true advocate really is:). Andrew is going to seek clarity on this today, and I am sure things will settle out with this issue. But I was not prepared for the influx of emotion that I felt when I got the news (and in the manner that we got it mainly) that no match or even a child to consider had been made. Before I had been excited and anxious, but now I feel like I have had a little dose of what families who have had much longer waits than we have have experienced. I know now that there will be an ache in my heart that will only become stronger as this process continues. We have been praying that God would prepare our hearts to receive our daughter and that we would know beyond a doubt who our daughter was the minute we first saw a referral. I wasn't expecting it to come like this, but I know somehow that this process is part of the very means that God is using to do just exactly what we have asked.
Romans 6:26-27 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
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